Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

10 industry insights to use as an ice-breaker at your next networking event

Written by cranberry panda team | Jun 26, 2015 12:17:13 PM

Never know what to say when you arrive at your favourite ecommerce networking event? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

If your networking goals are appreciative nods and an influx of LinkedIn connection requests, just share a few of these little gems …

  1. International experience disappeared from the industry ‘in-demand’ list; it was replaced with the need for non-executive directors and growth hackers.
  2. Offline experience’ is currently trending as a must-have for digital champions looking to work with some of the UK’s biggest brands.  
  3. Paid overtime gets a great big ‘meh’ from ecommerce warriors, with the majority doing extra bits and pieces for free … (only 6% are getting paid for it.)
  4. Although the majority of roles in the sector are permanent, of the 18% of professionals who operate on a contract basis, 12% are women.
  5. 2% of ecom stars say that they could live with a daily commute time of 4 hours … (!)
  6. 61% believe that staff levels within their own ecommerce-related departments will increase this year.
  7. 53% of ecommerce teams are made up of 1 to 10 people, while only 9% have more than 100.
  8. 51% of all ecommerce jobs are in London, with a tiny 1% in the North East.
  9. On average, men in this industry spend 2 more hours per week at work than women. (Probably not a good fact to use if you’re trying to impress the ladies, guys!)
  10. You can find loads of amazing insights in cranberry panda’s 2015 ecommerce salary survey and insights report.

Great insights, right?!

You've got the industry insights... now it's time to fill your calendar!

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