Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

Be inspired and engaged

Written by cranberry panda team | Dec 15, 2015 11:41:34 AM

Wherever you are in your career journey, be it a job search or part of a company, make sure you are always feeling inspired and engaged. Our analytics panda, Neil, offers some tips to acheive this in your career, or life in general...

There are 3 types of employees in the world: engaged, disengaged and actively disengaged. Which one are you? If you are currently disengaged or actively disengaged you are probably in the wrong position, working with the wrong manager or working in the wrong company. 

Disengaged retail workforce costs the UK £628 Million a year. An overwhelming 77% of UK retail employees are not engaged. Research also shows that, by devoting just 10% more to workforce engagement, UK organisations in all sectors could add £2,700 in profit per employee each year.

Globally, only 14% of the employees surveyed were highly engaged in their jobs. Meanwhile, 62% percent were disengaged and a surprising 24% revealed that they were actively disengaged.

The least engaged industries are finance, insurance and technology. Surprisingly, these are also the best paid sectors with the most company perks! Don’t get caught up in the perks arm wrestle. 

Overall, companies with the most engagement have some common traits:

  • Tolerate innovation and new ideas
  • Recognition
  • Clear company values
  • Allowed to share when things are wrong
  • Flexible working hours: independence and policy of trust
  • Communicating staff: learn from others and managers are easily approachable 

Quick tip that will help you become more engaged!

Being inspired can help you focus on achieving your goals and staying engaged.

An inspiration coming from within you is so powerful. You might have other people in your life who inspire you or who are trying to inspire you. For example: your personal trainer, your parent, your manager or even your partner.

But these are more likely to be encouragements rather than inspirations. Don’t confuse encouragement with inspiration; you don’t need words of encouragement to be inspired. Inspiration is within.

Think of a goal that you really want to achieve. This might be an experience of lifetime, buying a house, a car or a sporting achievement. It might be something that you have dreamed about but never thought would be possible in your lifetime. Here's what to do:

My Goal is to_______________________

I am inspired by __________________________

I want to achieve this by ____________________

All you have to do is visualise yourself there. In that new house, on that adventure or driving that new car.

Now go online (google images usually works) and find a picture that represents this goal and print it out. Hang this somewhere you will look at all the time. Every morning, every night and every time you are feeling discouraged that your dream is not obtainable, just look at that picture and imagine yourself there again. A visual reminder of your goal inspiration will help you cement it in your mind and work towards achieving it! 

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