Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

Digital & Ecommerce Recruitment: Digital Marketing Employee Trends

Written by cranberry panda team | Oct 14, 2020 1:34:05 PM

When it comes to ecommerce & digital recruitment, we like to keep up with the latest employee trends! These insights are proven to help our clients improve not only their recruitment process, but also retaining the staff they have.

Following on from our look at digital design employee insights, our next focus is all about digital marketing professionals in the ecommerce industry. Are they happy in their role at the moment? Are they keeping a steady work-life balance?

Using our 2020 ecommerce salary survey & insights report data, it's time to find out!

Digital Marketers: Happiness in current role

For the first time in our salary survey questionnaire, we asked our respondents to rank their current role happiness on a scale of 1 to 100. What did digital marketing professionals have to say?

The overall average across all of our respondents was 65/100. When we look at digital marketing only, the average score is 63/100. It's surprising to see this is lower than the overall average...let's do some more digging to find out why!

Work-life balance for digital marketing professionals

Is a lack of work-life balance to blame for the average happiness score? Do management take notice of the workload of digital marketers? Here's what the digital marketing respondents had to say...

49% of our digital marketing respondents are happy with their current work-life balance - seeing less than half be happy with this is quite telling. 39% told us they are not happy, which really isn't that far behind those who are. The remaining 12% said they were unsure but, as we've said before, people being unsure about their work-life balance probably need to work on it in some way. 

Can companies help with this? We wanted to see if digital marketing respondents felt their company as a whole prioritised the work-life balance of its employees. 61% felt that their company does prioritise this topic for its employees, while 39% did not feel the company discusses work-life balance enough. 

Drilling even deeper, it is often the responsibility of a direct manager to check in with their team. Making sure the workload is manageable, that people are able to switch off and that the team is happy is a big part of being a manager. 72% of our respondents felt they were not being encouraged by their manager in terms of work-life balance. 20% felt that management do enough, while the remaining 8% specified they were a manager, company leader or owner.

Overtime for digital marketers 

So far, it seems digital marketing employees are not entirely satisfied with various aspects of their role, especially when it comes to workplace happiness and work-life balance. Is too much overtime playing a part in this? If the workload is so high that employees can't switch off, it will begin to take its toll. 

  • None: 10% (14% in 2019)
  • A few minutes: 16% (10% in 2019)
  • Half an hour: 9% (8% in 2019)
  • 1 hour: 18% (10% in 2019)
  • 2 – 3 hours: 28% (33% in 2019)
  • 3 – 5 hours: 16% (19% in 2019)
  • Other: 3% (6% in 2019) Answers included: ‘more than five hours’ ‘ten to fifteen’ and ‘twenty-five hours.’

There has been a drop in digital marketing respondents who don't do any overtime. However, there have also been decreases in the '2-3' and '3-5' hour brackets. For those who answered other, the 25 hours response certainly shocked us! Overall, 65% of digital marketing respondents do an hour or more of overtime each week. Does this explain why there isn't a higher number of people who are happy with their work-life balance?

Need some guidance in your digital marketing recruitment?

We hope these insights help you plan when it comes to hiring digital marketing talent! Get in touch with the team if you'd like to discuss your upcoming hires. You can also download the full 2020 ecommerce salary survey report below!