Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

Donate your suits!

Written by cranberry panda team | May 24, 2013 3:09:09 PM
Only If it suits you sir…

Suits have become a hot topic in the workplace; to stick with them or move on? Are they outdated and stuffy or classic and smart? Everyone has an opinion.

Here at Cranberry Panda, we find suits are too stuffy for us pandas and not really on par with our quirky brand. Personally we don’t think suits really suit pandas, and a tie wouldn’t really make us work any harder. If Jonathan had his way our contracts would state that if we insist on wearing a suit, it should be a panda one! Most of us wore suits in our previous jobs and they were collecting dust until we found out about this fantastic campaign that we wanted to share with you.

A Suit for Success campaign has really struck a chord with us and they are asking for hand-me-downs to get young homeless people suited and booted for interviews. The charity Centrepoint is working with A Suit That Fits who are offering a £50 tailoring voucher in return for your suits.

So if you no longer wear suits, or maybe you have ones that don’t fit or just lurking around, donate them NOW! Your suit could be the stepping stone to helping a young person get their first job, what could motivate you more than that very thought?

But be quick you only have until the 31st May 2013 to donate your suits! For a list of drop-off sites, click here.

A suit joke for you:

I have been using the same tailor for years. He really suits me. (sorry we couldn't resist!)