Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

eCommerce Jobs: 5 things to think about before your next job search!

Written by cranberry panda team | Dec 7, 2022 9:31:16 AM

When it comes to eCommerce jobs and your career path, do you feel you're exactly where you need to be right now? With 2023 literally around the corner, now is a great time to reflect.

Could the new year be the right time to start the search for a new opportunity? Perhaps you are happy overall, but certain job adverts are making you curious. Does this mean it’s time to start applying and searching? Not necessarily. 

We wanted to put together five questions to ask yourself if you are considering a job search in the new year. You don't have to dive right in come January. The first thing to determine is if now is the right time to set the wheels in motion.

Starting your search for a new eCommerce job

So, here are our five questions to start provoking some thought in yourself. Think hard about your answers, for they will determine quite a big decision in your career path!

How much am I enjoying my role from 1 to 10?

There will be many things that contribute to your career enjoyment. However, normal day-to-day responsibilities will become a big part of your life. Are they fulfilling and rewarding? So, simply rank your current role enjoyment. If it's not as high as it should be, is there room for it to increase? If not, then it's the first sign that you might need more fulfillment elsewhere.

Am I progressing the way I want to?

The opportunity to progress should be celebrated in a company. How does yours approach employee growth? Is there a free space where conversations about progression happen naturally? Perhaps you're too nervous to ask? If you really feel you won't get where you want to be in this role, then it's another sign to start your search.

Is my work-life balance respected and encouraged?

Work-life balance is a powerful thing. It can make or break a role. You might like being busy, which your role provides, but is that because the job demands that you never truly switch off? When you get a healthy balance, like remote working or flexible hours, all will become clear. If you are confident that you have a good balance, think about other ways your well-being can improve and if your company provides this.

Does this role align with my full career plan?

Are you where you wanted to be right now? Maybe you don't have a full list of goals in place to determine if you're behind or ahead. Now is the time to create or update your overall career goals. Then, you can answer the question above properly. If the answer is no, you owe yourself a career full of achievements. 

Are my essentials covered in this role?

By essentials, we mean aspects of a role that are really important to you. From a specific salary bracket to opportunities to work from home, these are different for everyone. Does your role incorporate all of your must-haves? You can determine what is missing in your day-to-day, helping you target more appropriate roles. However, you can also ask your current company if they can provide these.

Helping your eCommerce career growth

We are a busy bunch at Cranberry Panda, but we've always got time to help your career journey. Are you on the lookout for a new opportunity? Click below to submit your CV and the relevant consultant will be in touch to start your journey.