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Make your job search the best it can be

Written by Chris Cox | Nov 17, 2015 3:31:22 PM

Previously, we looked at what to do to keep your job search positive and fresh. It’s important that you look out for yourself during this time, because it can be stressful.

There are ways to not only keep a positive outlook, but to personalise your job search to achieve maximum results. It will take a bit of analysis each day, or week, but it will really keep things going and show you where your applications are hitting the mark.

Where are you looking?

At the end of the day (or the week if you’d prefer) tally up where you sourced each role you applied for. Was it through LinkedIn? An online job board? Did a recruiter you are working withrecommend that you apply? Where have you seen the most opportunities to apply? Keep this tally recorded for the next step…

What are you looking for?

Each method of the job search might produce very different roles. During the job search, this might not faze you as you rush to find a role or get some good leads. We recommend looking through each role you applied for; which ones are the ones you’d really be interested in? Even better, which one would you absolutely love to get a chance for an interview for? Which ones really speak to your personal career goals?

Now add these to your original tally, to determine which source has offered you the best roles that day/week. This does not mean one source should now be discounted, but it gives you an idea of where you’re finding the most appealing roles and opportunities

What responses have you received?

You are obviously not guaranteed a response on the day you apply, so add this to your job search success research as and when you get a response. Are you getting any interest in your CV? With all the roles you applied for, look at the amount of responses. If there could be more, look at your CV or cover letters to see if you can improve the approach or the content.

A quick summary

These three steps are all linked in a simple way. They aim to save time so that each application you make is going to make a difference to your career journey. For example, are the roles you bookmark as ones you really want not getting the responses? In order to change this, what can you add to your CV or do in your spare time to get that extra experience?

This will keep your search fresh and positive too! There will be nothing better than knowing you’re making an effort to achieve career greatness! 

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