Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

What Ecommerce websites do you need to be keeping an eye on in 2019 worldwide?

Written by cranberry panda team | Mar 13, 2019 4:27:48 PM

Are your competitors doing something you should be?

By Tessa Fyson (Marketing Executive)

In 2018 we saw a huge spike in new Ecommerce websites popping up all over the internet. Whether it is a start-up or an extension / rebrand of a previous site, we are certainly spoilt for choice. As we have moved into 2019, we are seeing in the Ecommerce industry a high number of mergers between brands and companies, consequently creating new websites. But, are all of them successful?

You may be surprised to find that a high number of new websites fail, why? Because they have missed the basic foundations on marketing and business 101 – always put your users first. The fundamentals in website creation are easy enough to navigate, it is the art of targeting the right audience and adhering to what that audience needs.

A positive user experience is a key requirement in any successful online store and putting the ideas of the business before the consumers will create an uphill battle to drive sales. As much as content and the insights/service/product being provided is crucial, if you do not have an engaging and eye-catching website to promote these on, your hard work would off gone to waste.

“Internet marketing, online advertising, and search engine optimisation are essential for any online business. But they always go hand in hand with the friendly user interface, flawless website operation, and a worry-free customer care.”

For those who have a website up and running, you are hopefully already aware of these ten elements you should include in your website design:

  • Customer names
  • Popular products
  • Product collections
  • Zoom option
  • Shipping and delivery details
  • Contact details and feedback forms
  • Ratings and reviews
  • Price filters
  • Wish lists
  • Sharing options

(We will delve deeper into top tips you should be ticking off for your new / existing Ecommerce site soon!)

Remember providing a rich and impacting experience for your users will set you aside from your competition and will help you to build a loyal and influential customer following. As you can see from our recent article about the important of influencers, users are the number one self-influences to shout about your site.

(In no order, this is not a ranking system) Below are a selection of the websites to watch out for in 2019, no matter of location or product/service. These websites for me personally and as a professional, contain what it takes to be noticed.

The New York Times Online

Even if ‘The New York Times Store’ website is not relevant to your business or industry, their organisation, style and breath of fresh air design is unmistakable. The typography perfectly represents the brand and its clean grid layout making browsing easy and defines the audience they are trying to attract. They have kept the offline template and integrated it into an online design.

The aim for any website should be that it is identifiable and relatable to your brand by any consumer.

Storm London

Storm London’s website design is purely focused around displaying the quality of their watches. Each page and especially the homepage prominently display’s descriptions, product details, and superb photos of each watch. Their use of colour and boldness directs the consumers eye to exactly what they want you to see – along with disregarding the footer on their website homepage.

You do not have to include and squeeze everything into the homepage, focus on the important aspects and save the generic stuff for later.

Buffy Comforters 

For a site that will only be googled by those looking for the comforters, the homepage instantly sets your mind racing on what you can do with this product. It sells the product effortlessly and uses its keyword triggers to help you visualise purchasing and owning the Buffy Comforter. It may also seem an obvious technique but showing that you are giving something back to your consumers is an easy win!

Do not be afraid to showcase your promotional offers and codes throughout your website. That is what will get consumers interested and then coming back for more at full price.

Teenage Engineering

If you are looking for one of the best sites in engineering then ‘Teenage Engineering’ is the first choice. They have not taken the traditional engineering, practically designed route! Instead they have created a young, modern and sleek layout!

Just an FYI for new website designers – using lowercase throughout the site is the latest trend and will attract a younger audience. Remember the days of alternating between lowercase and uppercase on MySpace? Do you even remember MySpace?

Just because you work within a corporate or analytically focused industry does not mean your website has to reflect that. Portray what makes up your business more – the people!

The Sill

Acting as a true ambassador to their brand, The Sill believe that plants make people happy, and their online store wouldn’t make you think anything different. The entire website is refreshing, crisp and promotes a ‘natural’ and organic feel.

The header menu is a brilliant feature as the gap between ‘The’ and ‘Sill’ is done so it mirrors the name of the company. The whole site interacts with your movements to ‘push’ aside content not required and to enlarge aspects that need your full attention.

Be clever and unique with your style and layout, how do you expect to beat your competitors if there is nothing to set you apart.


There are not many people in the world who have not heard of this brand. Mulberry is known for its bold and ambitious trends which they have matched with a striking website design. Everywhere you look there is colour and it radiates inspiration for the fashion lovers who explore their website.

They confirm their understanding of what consumers need as detail for buying their products with zoom to hover techniques on images.

Ensure you are displaying high quality imagery for your website. A poor-quality photograph or product image will lead consumers to believe you have no pride in what you are promoting.