Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

Why it is a good idea to move on from your current role!

Written by cranberry panda team | Jun 26, 2018 4:37:04 PM

What is stopping you moving on from your current role? Do not be afraid to rock the boat!

For those lucky few who have worked their way up and landed a role they enjoy, benefits them and ticks all the boxes, then what reason is there for moving on? Often it can be down to fear; leaving security for the unknown can be terrifying! Also, if you have built a good reputation with your current company then why rock the boat and cause disturbance? I can tell you the reason why … you! You will always be your best investment and sometimes staying in one role for too long can mean selling yourself short and not reaching your maximum potential. This blog will look at the pros and cons of moving company and why your mid-level position may not be all its cracked up to be.

Addressing the reasons for not moving

The main reasons why you do not want to leave your current role include (but are not limited to):

  • You have been there a long time and have a good reputation and routine
  • You have formed firm relationships with staff and work colleagues
  • You know what you need to do and could probably do it in your sleep
  • The salary and location have worked well for you so far
  • You have the fear that the grass may not be greener on the other side?

All of these are valid reasons for not wanting to move. Many people wait ages to find a role they can be comfortable in and can be provided with 95% of what they need. But what about the other 5% of targets you could reach? Maybe you have not given those much thought?

Benefits for leaving

Time to leave the nest! It is an incredible accomplishment to be with a company for so long and you genuinely should be very proud of yourself! It looks fantastic on your CV and shows commitment and dedication to your work. It also will show future employers that you can stick at a task and have a wealth of knowledge in your sector.

Unfortunately staying in one position for too long can also damage your reputation. Employers may think you have no ambition and no drive to progress. Working in different roles and with each role being a step up, can give you experience across different companies and give you an insight in to the different ways businesses work. This is a huge plus for anyone looking to hire! “The one with the most flexibility has the most power!”

Another benefit for leaving a role can be gaining incentives you did not know you needed. Whether it be a higher salary, ‘work perks’ or a better location. Never presume within a business you have the best deal, more often than not a better offer is out there! Most importantly, know you are worth those benefits! Do not doubt yourself going into a new role, you are more capable then you think!

If all you do is change nervous for excitement – then you would probably all take more chances in work and in life!

Worried you cannot step up to the challenge of a higher title?

Now you may be Senior Executive Digital Marketer, Ecommerce Manager, Data Analyst Executive or a Performance Marketing Manager – do not tell me that is as high as you think you can go? To get to where you are now, you will have presented skills and knowledge that your current employer could see in you. Since starting this role you have grown and learnt a lot more than what you started out with. You are VERY capable of the next progressive step, and the advice cranberry panda would give is speak to recruiters *cough cough* and look at job descriptions. If you can look at a role specification and tick all the boxes or know you can take on these new challenges, then you are ready!

What is the next step...

First things first, make a list! Think about what you are currently gaining from your current role and really think about what you would want to move on. The best thing about liking your current role is you are in no rush! Instead of applying for hundreds of positions you can be selective. The worst thing is to be in a position where you need a new job immediately and cannot afford to take your time. (Or you could take on a contract position in the mean time … bring in Sheena and Laura!)

Here at cranberry panda we want to create happiness one job at a time, so if you are happy where you are then that is great! But, if you are now after reading this unsure if you need a change, then give us a call. It is never to late to try something new!