Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

Five Panda Pointers: How to Ace Your Internship

Written by cranberry panda team | Jul 19, 2017 8:27:38 AM

Author- Karishma Davé

Internships are not easy to find! They can be an amazing opportunity to explore the world of work and learn more about your dream job. You might even discover a new career path that you want to pursue in the future!

Sometimes, beginning an internship can be intimidating and you may have the common case of butterflies of nerves and excitement (don’t worry, you’re not the only one). We know you want to make the most of every minute of it and make a good impression.

I can assure you that in the weeks leading up to the internship, you will be told by everyone to embrace the experience. But, what is the best way to do this? We have taken our experiences, learnt from our mistakes, and come up with five essential tips to ensure that you ace your internship!

1) Organisation is key

Be organised! Before starting your work experience, make sure that you know where to go and how to get there. Plan your journey and make sure that you give yourself enough time to arrive when you’re expected (remember, it’s better to be early than late)! Also, be prepared and have everything you need. A notebook and a pen is a good place to start. Organisation and planning ahead should make the first day less stressful.

2) First impressions count

On the first day, it is likely that you will be introduced to your colleagues and your boss/mentor. You need to make a good first impression. To do so, ensure that you are wearing appropriate workwear and that you look presentable (find out about the dress code or uniform in advance). Shaking hands, making eye contact, and acting professionally are essential. It is also important to be engaging and confident in the workplace. Make conversation when meeting people for the first time and you’ll be off to a flying start. People want to know about you, as much as you want to know about them. Listen actively to what your colleagues say, be ready to answer questions and there’s no way that you can go wrong!

3) Be enthusiastic

Enthusiasm goes a long way! Let your colleagues know that you are willing to help wherever possible and get involved as much as you can. To get the most out of your experience, be proactive and give back to the company, to show your appreciation for the experience you have been given. In addition, get to know the people that you are working with, have fun, and try and get all work done to the best standard possible. People will love to hear you show interest in the work that you are doing so stay engaged and receive feedback constructively, to constantly develop yourself (don’t take anything to offence)!

4) Don't be afraid to ask questions

Asking questions is a great way to learn. If you don’t understand something, it’s always better to clear up any confusion now than to make mistakes later! Take advantage of being surrounded by experts in the field because learning from them first hand can be a valuable opportunity. Questions that are relevant will show that you are determined to do your best. However, make sure that it is an appropriate time and that they are not too busy to answer properly!

5) Listen and learn

Of course, the main aim of the experience is to learn as much as you can! One of the best ways to do this is by stepping outside of your comfort zone. This can often be scary at first, but will be the most rewarding and satisfying once done, so just go for it! Making notes is another good way of remembering all the information you are given, creating a list of everything you learn, and showing that you can listen well. Absorb everything you are told, as these kinds of experiences do not come often, and learn, learn, learn!

That concludes our panda pointers for this week! We wish you the best of luck for your internship and we’re certain that you will ace your first day and entire time there.