Ecommerce career advice - cranberry panda

How to shake up your mid-level Ecommerce role! Kick start your progression!

Written by cranberry panda team | Aug 23, 2018 2:13:47 PM

Feel as if you are in a bit of a rut? Wondering how to make that jump from your mid-weight Ecommerce role to a senior/management position? Is it too early to move into a senior role so soon? As with all great blogs, have no fear because the answer is here!

Without sounding too cheesy in the sentence above, as recruiters we are in a good position to advise on what is required for a career jump.

Instead of suggesting ways to move into a new management role, as per our most recent blog on how to manage a mid-career industry change, it is important to assess every angle! Sometimes, you may not be ready for a whole new move, but just want some extra responsibilities to prepare you for management life!

Are you ready for the extra responsibility in your mid-level Ecommerce role?

A lot of the time, we can feel pretty much invincible when it comes to progressing in our current role. Once you have aced the tasks at hand, it can feel very frustrating when you do not have anything new. Our main piece of advice when it comes to taking on more work would be to allow the time. Give yourself the time you need in your role to utilise the skills you have and make a solid impression on what you do now.

When you have given yourself this opportunity, then you can approach your manager with a wealth of evidence to support your want and need for more work. Managers love initiative, so they will welcome the chance to give you extra tasks that can ease your way to becoming a manager.

What responsibilities and tasks should you aim to take on?

This is the part that can scare people! You will always run the risk of being given too much and then suffering, or not being given enough and feeling as if you have achieved nothing. This is your chance to consider the opportunity rather than the title! It depends on the size of the company and how many others work under your manager. First off express your interest and perhaps lead with looking over certain processes. That way you can gain new knowledge on what a manager monitors daily.

In a bigger company with more employees and depending on your level of experience, it may be that you can act as supervisor or team leader to some of your junior colleagues.

In a smaller company it could be you are given whole tasks and managerial processes to take over. For example, you could oversee putting together the social calendar monthly, managing a certain budget or reporting into the stakeholders at bigger meetings. Whatever it is, it is a step forward and something to add to your CV!

Working in a larger brand and taking on more responsibility

From time to time, it is common for ecommerce professionals working in a larger company to forget the benefit they have. Sometimes, you may feel it is natural to move to a whole new company to gain more responsibility. That is not always the case! Within a larger brand there will be various branches, departments and sectors that are at your disposal. Make the most of it! Before progressing into a managerial role, soak up all the knowledge you can. It may be working from a different branch, or moving to a new department but, the mid-weight professional with the most knowledge will make an incredible manager.

Working in a smaller brand and taking on more responsibility

It is not always the bigger companies and brands that do it best. Working within a smaller company can be mistaken as a stepping stone and a beginner’s choice, but within a smaller brand you can take on a lot more responsibility as there are less employees to compete with. That is why progression can move a lot quicker as there are few colleagues to work with. So, make the most of this and take on as much as you can that way when you naturally move into a manager’s position you will know the companies processes inside and out. Imagine the manager all star pro you will be when you can reel off everything about that brand (also remember when interviewing for bigger companies it will look double impressive).

When is it a good time to take on more tasks?

Only you can answer that question I am afraid. Keeping in touch with your manager and asking about your progression is vital and will give a good indication as to when they feel you will be ready. Remember, they are there to support your progression not hinder it. Above all else be selfish and use every asset that is at your disposal! Learn everything you can, how to coordinate with different departments, act as a team leader and you will definitely have an award-winning CV. Remember you do not have to have the title of manager to be a major influencer within your company, just be careful that you are not doing to much extra work without the recognition!