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Keep your job search positive and fresh!

Written by Chris Cox | Sep 29, 2015 1:37:16 PM

Looking for a new job is stressful. If you are searching while not in a current place of employment, it can feel even more urgent. No matter how many applications you make, sometimes it feels you’re not getting the response you’d hoped for.

It could leave you feeling deflated, but it doesn’t have to be like that. Why not? Because your job search, no matter how lengthy, is working towards an amazing goal: a dream career. Stay positive, keep your routine fresh and the job search will see a great rise in proactivity. Here’s what to do…

Establish a daily routine

Treat the search like a job itself.  Have some time allotted to actual searches, be it online or a few phone calls. Network on LinkedIn to find likeminded people who might know of a role you’ve yet to find. Once you have a shortlist of jobs that really caught your eye, use the next period of your day to tailor great applications to each role. CV and cover letters are essential in staying in the job hunting game, so show them some TLC.

Once you’ve proof read each application, hit that ‘APPLY’ button straight away. You’ve done something awesome for the search just by applying, so smile and take a lunch break. Establishing a routine will keep you in a working mind frame, and add structure to your day. 

Talk to people

Ask your friends and family about their job search experiences. Chances are they will have been there and got the T-shirt. Hearing other people discuss this will help you realise you are not the first person to have job hunt insecurities, and you certainly won’t be the last.

Are you using a recruiter as part of your search? When in doubt, give them a call for advice and reassurance. Not only will it reassure you, it will reassure them that you’re an active candidate for roles.

Refresh your skills

Find ways to keep all the skills on your CV fresh in your mind. Is there any work you can do for someone else, to keep you busy and driven? Perhaps a few hours a day to volunteer with a company or organisation, scheduled nicely between your job search activities.

Just think after a few hours of refreshing yourself, or volunteering for a cause you care about, you can go home knowing you accomplished something to add to that job search. 

Look after yourself

We completely understand how the search can take its toll. Listen to the above, take a breath and remember you won’t be any use going to interviews looking like you haven’t slept in days! Like any job, it’s good to have some time out and focus on other things. A hobby you enjoy, or a catch up with a friend, can really keep you smiling while those applications are being considered. A positive approach will convert to positive results! 

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