Featured on BEYOUROWN: why is hybrid working beneficial for success?

Jul 31, 2023 10:20:44 AM

Our comments have been featured in an article for the global platform - BEYOUROWN about why hybrid working is beneficial for success in a modern workplace, and why it is particularly crucial for our eCommerce recruitment business.

Our Director Yasha Mirsamadi has uncovered five key reasons after implementing hybrid working into our business some time ago.

We discussed…

  • Increased work-life balance – Our team members have found it easier to manage personal obligations and family commitments with the flexibility of hybrid working.

  • Enhanced productivity – For many of our employees, having a quiet and private space outside the traditional office environment has led to higher levels of productivity.

  • Talent retention and recruitment – By embracing hybrid working, we've opened up opportunities for top talent to join our team, regardless of their location.

  • Cost savings – Full-time commuting and office rentals can be expensive, but hybrid working has helped us reduce these costs significantly.

  • Sustainability and environmental benefits – With hybrid working comes a reduction in energy consumption, as well as the increased likelihood of attracting environmentally conscious candidates.

Read our comments

If you'd like to read our full comments in detail, you can access the members-only business content on the BEYOUROWN website.

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