Featured on SheCanCode: Are eCommerce leaders prioritising the mental health and wellbeing of their employees?

May 23, 2023 8:46:31 AM

Mental health and wellbeing have become hot topics in the workplace, especially as the eCommerce industry continues to thrive.

Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week, and with that in mind we wanted to share out latest written feature from SheCanCode that focuses on the mental health and wellbeing of eCommerce employees, and what business leaders are doing to improve this.

We asked our Director Yasha Mirsamadi to share findings specifically from the 2023 eCommerce Salary Survey, and he found that eCommerce leaders are currently offering a lot of benefits to help better support mental health, wellbeing, and work life balance.

Topics of the feature included:

  • Flexible working – is flexible working the best solution for improving employee mental health and wellbeing? Find out in the feature!
  • Realistic workloads – we discussed the importance of having a realistic workload can have long term, and if employees and employers are on the same page.
  • Return to the office – are employers encouraging their staff back to the office?
  • What we can take from these results – how can we alleviate mental health pressures in the workplace?

Read all about it in our featured piece – ‘eCommerce leaders prioritise mental health and wellbeing’. 

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