Amazon Prime Day 2022: Statistics and Predictions

Oct 11, 2022 9:05:33 AM

It's time for another Amazon Prime Day! While we already saw the Prime event in July, October 11th and 12th mark yet another day jam-packed with eCommerce deals. Amazon is calling this event the 'Prime Early Access Deals', so we are sure customers will be checking in on the latest deals.

We thought it would be interesting to look into some statistics and predictions for the event, so here is what we found!

Amazon Prime Day: The most popular products in 2022

In the UK, it seems the cost of living crisis is playing a huge part in what people are searching for and adding to their wish lists. One of Amazon's biggest predictions for top sellers is Air Fryers. These had already seen a huge rise in interest. With the savings in energy they offer, it is no surprise to see them high on the list.

Many energy-saving products are on customers' minds. Heated electric blankets, as an alternative to overnight heating, are part of the discount extravaganza. Energy-saving kettles are also on the list. 

Aside from these products, Amazon's own offerings are also seeing record interest due to slashed prices. In particular, the Echo Dot smart speaker is expected to be a big seller in the next two days.

Prime Day: Was it a global success?

As mentioned, the Prime Day event usually takes place in July. However, this event is being treated as a precursor to the famous Black Friday. How did Amazon do in the July event?

Well, pretty good as it happens. Prime Day sales reached an estimated 12 billion U.S. dollars worldwide, making it the most successful shopping occasion in Amazon’s history.

A survey conducted just before the July Prime event revealed the top product categories that customers planned to purchase within. In the top spot, was makeup and skincare (32%) closely followed by clothing and accessories (31%). Completing the top 3, were products for the home (28%). It will be interesting to see what changes, particularly with many of the predictions pointing towards energy-saving products.

It was also a great Prime Day event for Amazon's selling partners, most of whom are small and medium-sized businesses. Customers spent over $3 billion on more than 100 million small business items!

Will you be making the most of some Autumn deals?

We are excited to see what interesting insights come from the 'Prime Early Access Deals' event! We will be sure to update this blog with the most interesting findings. Q4 really is an eye-opening time in the world of eCommerce. 

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