eCom Leaders: how to build high-performance in-house teams

May 20, 2024 8:37:53 AM

We recently had the pleasure of co-hosting our annual eCom Leaders meet-up with our friends at Reload. This year's focus was on 'How to build high-performance in-house teams'.

Held at the historic Trinity House, established in 1514, it provided the perfect backdrop for discussions on industry pressures and employee retention, with top eCommerce brands like Ocado and Philip Kingsley in attendance.

Here are the highlights from our insightful morning:

Average tenure

First up, we delved into the average tenure of marketers in their current roles, discovering that it's just 18 months. However, it typically takes two years for individuals to fully harness their capabilities and make a significant impact.

Encouraging specialisation, whether in CRM, Social, or Acquisition, can expedite this process and empower employees to become experts in their field, rather than a jack of all trades.

Mental health & wellbeing

Next, we turned our attention to mental health and wellbeing in the eCommerce sector. Sharing insights from our recently launched 2024 eCommerce Salary Report, we uncovered key factors for optimal performance, the impact of workload on their mental health, and the channels available for seeking support during challenging times.

Here is what we found!

  • 77% revealed they perform best when working in a hybrid capacity.
  • Respondents rated their workload 7.4/10, with 10 indicating a very heavy workload.
  • Over half (55%) of the respondents identified increased stress and anxiety as the primary impact of workload.
  • 43% of respondents highlighted that they feel comfortable approaching their Direct Manager for support and guidance.

Understanding these insights is crucial for eCommerce businesses aiming to strategize effectively, attract and retain top talent, and maintain a happy and satisfied workforce.

Speaking of retaining staff…

Retaining eCom staff

Transitioning to talent retention strategies, we drew inspiration from influential books like 'Recruit Rockstars' by Jeff Hyman, 'Start with Why' by Simon Sinek, 'Drive' by Daniel H. Pink, and 'Radical Candor' by Kim Scott were among the resources referenced.

In particular, 'Drive' emphasises the importance of providing employees with Purpose, Mastery, and Autonomy to enhance staff retention. Whether you're shaping company culture, defining a team vision, or inspiring individual motivation, this framework offers valuable guidance for retaining top talent. It has the potential to reshape leaders' perspectives on talent retention strategies.

eCom hiring trends

Reflecting on the findings of the 2024 eCommerce Salary Report, we've pinpointed the key 'non-negotiables' when seeking new opportunities in the eCom job market.

According to the report, a competitive salary emerged as the top priority for 91% of respondents, closely followed by the desire for remote working arrangements at 73%, and job security at 63%.

We also took a look at how the eCommerce industry has evolved in the past year and what changes we can expect in the year ahead.

What has led to team expansion?

  • Gaps in specialisms
  • New team growth
  • Increased workload
  • Expanded regions
  • Departmentalisation

What factors have contributed to team shrinkage?

  • Layoffs and redundancies
  • Restructuring
  • Downsizing
  • Hiring freeze
  • Job changes – positions not being filled

We concluded the morning with research that revealed that 42% of eCommerce professionals are contemplating changing roles within the next 0-6 months. Interestingly, 38% of businesses plan to hire within the subsequent 6-12 months, while an equal percentage have no immediate hiring intentions.

Thank you

Thank you to Reload for driving important conversation, organising a brilliant event, and inviting us to co-host! Also, a big thank you to everyone who joined our eCommerce brunch - we look forward to taking part and hosting more in the future.

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