When it comes to your eCommerce recruitment strategy, do you know what will attract the best talent? Post COVID-19, attitudes towards the way we work have undoubtedly changed. It means candidates are choosing different aspects of a role that are absolutely essential to them. Now, an attractive salary and benefits package won’t always attract the best people.
To get noticed by the best in the business, and to keep them on your team, it’s time you discovered what eCommerce professionals want in 2022. Well, we have got exactly what you need...our 2022 eCommerce Salary Survey & Insights report! We are focusing on what we call ‘role essentials’. In our report questionnaire, respondents ranked what is most important to them in an eCommerce job.
By sharing these, we hope your hiring approach can directly target these essentials. Shall we find out the top 3? (Note: we asked respondents to rank each essential out of ten. The number displayed is the average score.)
The essentials in eCommerce recruitment
1) Opportunity to progress: 8.4/10
Progression has always been high on the priority list in every edition of our salary survey report. However, it has claimed the top spot for the first time. After so much uncertainty, stalled career plans, and furlough, it's clear that growth in a company is so important now. Candidates want stability back...and they want it to stay! So, make sure progression conversations are happening with your existing team. Furthermore, any job advertisements should clearly state that a progression plan is a priority for potential employees.
2) Work from home opportunities: 8.3/10
A very close second! We can't say that this is a big surprise. Lockdown gave employees a taste of what working from home was like, with many feeling they had got back valuable time while not impacting their work. With the rise of hybrid working, we expect this to continue. If you are not offering working from home opportunities to employees or candidates, it could affect your talent strategy greatly.
3) Flexible hours/working: 8.1/10
Allowing flexible working hours is a great way to demonstrate trust in your team. Can your team be more flexible in their working hours if they complete their work earlier? Once again, this stems from the lockdown experiences. While it was a strange time, people got to spend more time with their families. So, candidates will be attracted to a company that recognises this benefit.
Download the full eCommerce salary survey report
Hearing these essentials directly from eCommerce professionals is invaluable to your eCommerce recruitment approach. As we can see, salary is not the main attraction anymore! For even more insights from the industry, click below to download a free copy of the full report.
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