Our ecommerce top picks: Campaigns that have caught our eye

Sep 10, 2015 2:09:30 PM

We pandas love ecommerce, and seeing the industry revel in creative potential is simply pandabulous!

After having a quick browse, we thought we’d offer one of our favourite ecommerce campaigns of the past few weeks and how it demonstrates overall customer experience and social awareness!

Ecommerce campains we love

Ted’s at it again!

This isn’t the first time Ted Baker has caught our eye! This month, until the 14th, Ted Baker has opened its cabinet of curiosities! A clue is released on the official Ted Baker Instagram account, with which users flock to the newly created Ted’s Cabinet account. Using the newly acquired clue, users must find the curiosity described.

With the chance to win exclusive Ted Baker gifts, users only need leave the answer on the image or regram with #Wonders. It shows a great leap forward for customer engagement, especially on social channels.  Competitions used to involve a quick retweet and hoping for the best. Now, as shown by Ted Baker, users are invited back to their social accounts daily.

Ted's cabinet of curiosities

                       Check out Ted Baker's official Instagram account right here!

Brand storytelling at its best

This ongoing campaign tells a story, about the brand and its customers. With a new range to promote, the campaign provides a quirky and ongoing tale to complement the exciting products. In order to have a chance to claim the prizes, the brand and its story becomes imprinted in each users psyche as they return for the next chapter (or clue) in the story. Not only that, they’re having fun receiving daily clues and cracking the code of curiosities!

Users can feel valued by campaigns like this, because the brand is entertaining them rather than forcing the latest products upon them. Furthermore, with multiple prizes up for grabs, it reaches out to all areas of their target audience. This kind of brand storytelling, which welcomes everyone to join in, is a great way to attract new customers and keep existing customers interested.

Omni channel extravaganza

This campaign isn’t limited to social media! The various curiosities Ted Baker has concocted are also hidden amongst the new range in store. Customers can then take a quick photo and once again use #Wonders to play the game. Having such a seamless campaign is a great way to get people talking online, and having a unique in store experience – involving both digital and physical traffic!

So, Ted Baker receives the panda gold star this week! We hope you don’t mind if we wrap things up here…we’re awfully intrigued about cracking ‘Ted’s Cabinet of Curiosities’! 

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