The gender pay gap and the ecommerce industry

Jul 29, 2015 1:51:09 PM

What's the deal with the gender pay gap and the ecommerce industry? Are women and men still affected by it? 

Jonathan Hall, our panda chief and founder, speaks out about the decreasing pay gap in our salary survey response for APSCo. 

5 key takeouts from his comments include:

1. The breakdown of women to men within the sector is promising: 53% male and 47% female.

Gender breakdown of the ecommerce industry

2. At most levels within the industry, women are paid slightly less than males, however the gender pay gap is decreasing.  

The decreasing gender pay gap

3. Although there are more men in senior roles, a higher number of women are now working within managerial positions and are often earning more than their male counterparts. 

Women vs men in senior ecommerce roles

4. For the first time in our salary survey history, female ecommerce superstars have made it into the £90k and above wage bracket. 

Do men spend more time in the office than women

5. Men tend to spend more time than women in the office, with an average working week of 39.7 hours. That's 2 hours more than female survey respondents. 

Read more about Jonathan's comments on the gender pay gap, and download a copy of our salary survey to learn more. 

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