Web & Data Analytics: 2020 ecommerce employee trends

Oct 23, 2020 1:31:33 PM

It's time for our final employee trends blog! The series has looked at workplace sentiments regarding overall happiness, work-life balance and overtime. Our final blog will look at the Web & Data Analytics specialism! 

In our 2019 employee trends series, we found that Web & Data Analytics professionals were definitely doing the best job at finding work-life balance and overall job satisfaction. Will this continue in 2020? Using exclusive stats from the 2020 ecommerce salary survey & insights report, it's time to find out! 

Web & Data Analytics Employees: Happiness in current role

As always, we will begin with overall role 'happiness'. One of the new questions in our survey this year asked respondents to rank their current role, and how happy they are in it, on a scale of 1 to 100. The average across all of our respondents was 65/100.

When looking at the web & data analytics respondents only, the average 'happiness' score is 74/100. Not only is this higher than the overall average, it is far ahead of the other ecommerce specialisms we have looked at. So far then, it looks like the trends we saw in 2019 are continuing...for now! Let's look a little deeper.

Work-life balance for web & data analytics professionals

Web & Data Analytics requires real focus and an ability to get to the heart of customer data. From here, actionable insights need to be suggested to the wider team. Alongside lots of reporting, that's quite a big responsibility. Is work-life balance suffering within this specialism because of the demanding nature of the role?

77% of respondents in web & data analytics are happy with their work-life balance - the same figure as last year! 7% are not happy with their current work-life balance, which is a 4% decrease from last year. That leaves 16% who specified they were not quite sure, which is a slight increase from last year. All in all, it seems web and data analytics employees are doing something right!

Does this high number mean the companies these respondents work for are prioritising the work-life balance of its employees? We asked the respondents if they thought so, and 63% felt that their company does prioritise this. That leaves 37% who disagree - so while the majority are happy with their company approach, perhaps a bit more can be done in others to make this part of the culture.

Finally, we asked if direct managers are doing enough to encourage better work-life balance for their teams. 53% of web & data analytics respondents believed their manager could show more of an interest in this topic, while 37% were happy with their managers input. The remaining 10% specified they were a manager/owner. 

Overtime in Web & Data Analytics

As we mentioned, the field of analytics is a busy and challenging one. Does this mean data specialists have to work some extra hours each week? Let's find out how much overtime they do...

  • None: 19% (18% in 2019)
  • A few minutes: 32% (20% in 2019)
  • Half an hour: 4% (9% in 2019)
  • 1 hour: 6% (2% in 2019)
  • 2 – 3 hours: 19% (31% in 2019)
  • 3 – 5 hours: 16% (16% in 2019)
  • Other: 4% (4% in 2019) 

We can see a huge difference here! There has been quite the increase in web & data analytics professionals doing less overtime, and a decrease in those doing more. Only 51% of these respondents do at least an hour of overtime a week, which is by far the lowest across all of our specialisms. Perhaps this explains such a big number of respondents being happy with their work-life balance.

Need more Web & Data Analytics recruitment advice? 

If you're hiring for your analytics team, get in touch with us to discuss the vacancy! You can also download the full 2020 report below! That concludes our 2020 employee trends series, but do not fear...there will be plenty of exclusive insights to come!

Download the 2020 ecommerce salary survey & insights report...


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