Web & Data Analytics in ecommerce: 2019 employee insights

Aug 9, 2019 8:21:00 AM

Welcome to our final employee focus this week, as we turn the spotlight on Web & Data Analytics professionals working in the ecommerce industry!

We’ve seen in our Web & Data Analytics salary review that analysts have had a very positive 2019 so far…83% of our respondents within this ecommerce specialism received a pay rise! That’s enough to make anyone happy, right? Well, it’s not only about salary. How do these respondents feel about their work-life balance? Is overtime an underlying issue within Web & Data Analytics? It’s time to find out…

Work-life balance for web & data analysts in ecommerce

Web & Data Analysts play a huge part in ecommerce teams, as their insights can really drive growth for a business. With so much to do, it can be easy to fall into the trap of overdoing it. Are these respondents falling into that trap or have they struck the perfect balance?

  • 77% of web & data analytics ecommerce professionals are happy with their work-life balance. With this figure standing at 78% in 2018, it seems that analysts are still succeeding in finding that work-life balance.
  • 11% are not happy with their work-life balance currently, which is a 2% decrease from 2018! While it might be a small change, it’s great to see less people struggling to find that balance between work and personal life.
  • That leaves 12% who aren’t quite sure if they have got the right work-life balance. If you find yourself unsure, it’s time to evaluate that balance as it could be you’re just on the cusp of joining those who are happy with their work-life balance!

Overtime in Web & Data Analytics – how much is being done?

We’ve seen that professionals within the analytics ecommerce specialism are quite happy with their work-life balance. Does this mean they do less overtime? Do analysts have more autonomy in their role which gives them more control? Here’s what we found out…

Overtime in web & data analytics careers

So, most of the Web & Data Analytics professionals work between 2 and 3 hours of overtime, while ‘a few minutes’ and ‘3-5 hours’ also picked up some votes from our questionnaire respondents. Looking at 2018, there haven’t been too many changes when it comes to overtime; the most significant rise would be a 5% increase in those doing between 2 and 3 hours.

Web & Data Analytics employees – men vs women

In 2018, male analytics employees outnumbered female employees, with 66% to 34%. Looking across our survey as a whole, where the split is 51% to 48% (with 1% preferring not to disclose gender), this is quite a big gap. Has it changed in 2019?

Not quite, though there has been a slight shift. 61% of web & data analytics respondents were male, while 39% were female. As we said, not a huge change but will we see this gap closing as the years progress? Only time will tell!

This concludes our ecommerce employee insights…

We hope you have gained some valuable details about the ecommerce industry in 2019! If you’re looking for a web & data analytics job, or hiring ecommerce analytics talent, get in touch with the pandas.

For the full ecommerce salary survey & insights report, click below for a FREE copy…

Download the 2019 ecommerce salary survey report!


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