Women in eCommerce: Recognition and Career Growth

Oct 12, 2023 7:41:01 AM

For women in eCommerce, has the recognition of talent and career growth improved? Empowering women in industries like this has been a big topic for many years and there have been positive signs of change. 

Companies within eCommerce must show that there is growth and success to be found. It's particularly important for a successful eCommerce recruitment strategy - employee attraction and retention will only get tougher.

So, we wanted to see if career growth for women is being fully recognised in 2023. We're not just talking about training, development and positive feedback. They are great of course, but aren't necessarily enough. Using updated insights from our 2023 eCommerce salary survey report, we wanted to delve a little deeper.

Before we start, we wanted to point out opinions on diversity from our questionnaire respondents. 63% believed that gender equality was well-represented, though the diversity of leadership teams was rated 4.8/10. While a percentage of 63% shows room for growth, the rating of diverse leadership definitely stands out. Are there enough women in leadership teams or does more need to be done?

Have women seen a salary increase in 2023?

In our Q3 update of the eCommerce salary survey, we discovered that 53% of overall respondents received a pay rise since the beginning of the year. This shows great industry growth, especially since 69% saw an increase in our original Q1 release. Salary expectations are important, so these figures show that many employers are recognising this. 

So, how many of our female respondents were part of the pay rise club? In the most recent update, 63% of those who received a pay rise were women. This is a fantastic indication that career growth for women is being reflected in their remuneration.

Empowering women in eCommerce - do job titles matter?

So far, we can see there has been a positive change in salary. Does this mean women also saw promotions and changes to their job titles? Of course, a salary increase does not always come with a more senior job title or position.

Of the female respondents who did receive a pay rise this year, 41% did not see any change in their job title. That means 59% did in fact receive a new job title with their salary increase, be it a promotion or accepting a new role. Once again, this demonstrates that equality is moving in the right direction.

We should acknowledge that for some, a job title is not the most important thing in the world. Our survey results indicate that salary was definitely a more important factor in talent attraction and retention. For others, it provides a huge boost in confidence and demonstrates evident growth on their CV. Alongside salary discussions, it's important to know what employees expect from their careers and what their career journey looks like to them. For women in eCommerce, it can empower them to plot their own journey to success.

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