Here at cranberry towers, we have worked on fantastic digital design opportunities within the ecommerce industry for many years now. As such, we want to make sure we keep you up to date on all the latest developments within the digital design profession.
Of course, digital design isn’t our only ecommerce specialism, but to start our annual salary updates, we thought we’d start here!
Digital Design salaries by job title
To kick off our review of digital design salaries, let’s look at the changes by job title…
- Junior Digital Designer: £22,000 - £25,000 (2018: £18,000 - £27,000)
- Middleweight Digital Designer: £25,000 - £35,000 (2018: £28,000 - £35,000)
- Senior Digital Designer: £35,000 - £70,000 (2018: £35,000 - £70,000)
- Lead/Head of Digital Design: £70,000 - £90,000 (2018: £45,000 - £90,000)
- Art Director: £55,000 - £100,000 (2018: £50,000 - £120,000)
Within our creative design specialism, we also work on UX & UI roles – here’s the latest salary changes for these job titles…
- Junior UX Designer: £25,000 - £40,000 (2018: £30,000 - £40,000)
- UX Designer: £35,000 - £55,000 (2018: £35,000 - £55,000)
- Senior/Lead UX Designer: £70,000 - £90,000 (2018: £50,000 - £90,000)
- Head of UX: £90,000 - £120,000 (2018: £90,000 - £120,000)
There have been a few notable changes, particularly the ‘Art Director’ title seeing a decrease in the higher scale of the salary bracket. Could this mean more people in the digital design specialism have seen no change in their salary?
Digital Design salaries – has there been an increase?
In the last 12 months, 65% of digital design professionals in the ecommerce industry have seen their salary increase. 32% told us their salary stayed the same, while 3% saw their salary decrease! From the 2018 report, there haven’t been drastic changes overall. 68% saw an increase, while 29% saw no change in their salary.
Why did some digital design salaries stay the same or increase?
Focusing on the digital design professionals who did not get a pay rise or saw a decrease, here are the reasons why…
Stay the same
“I haven’t been with the company long enough.” This is the most common reason from our digital design respondents and shows that quite a few simply found a new opportunity in the last 12 months. Perhaps they want more time to prove what they can do before the raise the subject of a pay rise?
“I didn’t ask for a pay rise.” There are many reasons why someone wouldn’t ask for a pay rise. Whether they are quite new to the company or don’t have the confidence to ask management, it means they won’t see a lovely increase in their salary. Have you ever approached your manager about a pay rise or maybe you’re thinking about it? Here’s how to raise the subject when you feel it may be your time for a pay rise!
“I moved roles with the same salary, but now save thousands on commuting costs.” Here’s an interesting one! While this respondent hasn’t seen an increase in their basic salary, the move to a new role is saving them so much more. We’re sure they love having the extra cash for other things, so it probably feels like a pay rise!
“Freelancing rates haven’t changed.” With an increase of contract and freelance respondents, this has become a more frequent reason in the report this year!
Salary decrease
“I relocated – salary differences and different responsibilities.” Of the small number who said their salary decreased, this was the sole reason. When relocating, there may be a difference in salary but living costs also vary. Relocating is a big step for anyone, so we’re sure these respondents are still moving in the right direction!
Expectations for salary in 2019
To round off the review of digital design salaries, we will look at what digital design respondents are expecting in 2019. Are they optimistic for salary increases or will there be no changes?
- It will increase: 55%
- It will stay the same: 22%
- I’m not sure: 20%
- It will decrease: 3%
For those who said it will stay the same or decrease, reasons include: freelance rates will remain the same, have just secured a pay rise, company can’t offer a pay rise at this time and have just started a new role!
Download the 2019 ecommerce salary survey & insights report
We hope you’ve enjoyed the review of digital designs salaries within ecommerce. We have more reviews on the way for our other specialisms, which will be posted throughout the week. In the meantime, make sure you download a free copy of the full report!
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