Digital Recruitment Insights: Mental wellbeing matters

Apr 22, 2021 2:19:33 PM

As a digital recruitment agency, we speak with candidates day in and day out. Even throughout the pandemic, we stayed connected with people even if it was just for a catch up.

When it comes to mental well-being, every little helps. It has been a big discussion for years now, but the events of 2020 have made it an even more important topic. In our own team, we care about how the working world affects people in different ways. From a stressful commute to feeling you're not achieving, every feeling matters.

Well-being in digital and ecommerce recruitment

As an industry, recruitment in the digital world is extremely fast paced. Now, we believe there will be a slight change in how candidates approach the job offer - how a role caters to well-being and mental health is going to be a huge trend.

In teasers from our 2021 ecommerce salary survey & insights report, we discovered that a huge challenge for management teams has been the wellbeing of their employees. How can you recognise a colleague who is perhaps struggling when there are no social cues to pick up on.

You can only do so much on a Zoom call. A significant number of respondents expect to see more wellbeing checks moving forward. 54% of respondents predicted this will be a big challenge in the year ahead.

A further 68% of respondents said a focus on employee wellness makes for a good company culture - a 24% increase from the previous year. 

As a digital recruitment agency, we will be making well-being a huge focus of every call we have - these statistics speak for themselves.

The digital talent of the future & mental health

In a recent study on students, 68% revealed they would look for an employer who cares about mental health. The younger generation are definitely more open about these discussions and it is catching on fast.

This is the talent of the future and what is trending for them, should be trending for employers too. Organisations like Sanctus, who we partnered with in 2018, are making waves across multiple industries particularly with digital talent. Are you introducing schemes like this for your employees to access?

Ask your team how they're doing

It all starts with a simple question...'How are you?'

In a world where people are working remotely, it's more important than ever to make teams thrive in their separate environments. For more insights and advice from the digital recruitment world, click below.

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