#PandaPounds: The launch of the 2019 ecommerce salary survey & insights report

May 8, 2019 2:21:30 PM

Our 2019 ecommerce salary survey & insights report is now available to download…for FREE! Following a very successful questionnaire, survey design and launch party, the new report is ready for the world to see.

The report covers salary benchmarks, work-life balance, workplace happiness and so much more. Whether you’re looking for a new ecommerce job or hiring ecommerce talent, the report is a great tool to position yourself in the industry!

The #PandaPounds 2019 Launch Party

As always, we kick off our yearly #PandaPounds campaign with a pandabulous launch party! This year, we ventured to The Cloud Lounge in Piccadilly to launch the new report in style. There was delicious food, yummy cocktails and a great atmosphere in the room.

It was great to see so many ecommerce professionals interested in what is happening in their industry. It’s not just about what’s happening for them, but about every person within the world of ecommerce. As our CEO, Jonathan Hall, concluded in his presentation… Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it.” A huge takeaway from the report this year is all about attaining workplace happiness and happiness overall. As an industry, we can climb together to make this happen!

What’s next for #PandaPounds 2019?

The salary survey goodness doesn’t stop once you’ve finished reading the report. To get the discussion going, we are teaming up with #EcomChat to discuss key points from the report. Tune in to the Twitter feed at 1PM, 13th of May to get involved!

We’ve had a huge amount of insight come through – so not all of it could fit in. For the rest of 2019, we will be releasing exclusive insights not seen in the report at least twice a month (though there’s so much, we will probably be releasing more!)

Here’s a quick overview of some of the topics…

  • A deeper look at salary changes, including what has changed across our ecommerce specialisms
  • Ecommerce and gender – is the pay gap closing?
  • The hiring process – are you doing enough to keep candidates engaged?
  • Have ecommerce team challenges changed from 2018?
  • Individual career goals – what is important to you and why?
  • Ecommerce contract recruitment – a closer look

We could list everything we’ve got planned but not only would that take a while, we also want to keep some surprises up our sleeves. Keep your eyes open for the #PandaPounds blog tag for all the updates!

All that’s left to say is, if you haven’t already, download a copy of the 2019 report and indulge in the latest industry insights.

Download your FREE copy of the 2019 report...


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